About Me

Saturday, May 16, 2009

It has been Jumped!


So it's been probably the longest/most uncomfortable day and a half in my life but I am still breathing. It's funny because the moment I stepped out of my house for the airport I started missing everybody. You never know how much you appreciate your home until you get booked at a hostel in downtown London and you're sleeping above a very creepy guy from Iceland named Auchler. But everything is really good. Obviously my sleeping patterns were off and I wasn't well adjusted to the time change so right when I got into the hostel (which was around 4 o'clock) I took a nap. It is an 8 hour time difference here. I was in and out of sleep until this morning at 5:30 am.

So I figured I was already up and I didn't have any real plans so I took a shower and I got my stuff packed up and I headed out the door at about 6:45 this morning and have been on my feet ever since. I walked all through London where I got to see the city wake up and come alive. I went and saw the parliament, Big Ben, the London Eye, the Tate Modern, and Shakespeare's Globe theater. I got lost a few times but I didn't have much to do so it really wasn't a problem. The city reminds me a lot of Boston because of the way it is built and the little back alley ways.

Before I left I had some cereal and met a few Australian people who were very nice. Being the American that I am all these stereotypes went through my head. I was trying very hard not to bring up Steve Irwin or Fosters Beer. The city is nice but I'm not in love with it. It is very gloomy and windy. But one thing I noticed was the fact that America has completely dominated over here. I see so many American brands and American trademarks. It surprised me a bit. One thing that I noticed about this place is that because California is so close to Mexico, we have a lot of hispanic people living and working in our community. But England doesn't really have that same interaction with a race that is so different from them with an exception of a relatively small population of people from India.

But pretty much it has started off a bit better than I had projected. I was worried that I might not meet or join up with people but I learned that I don't need to be with people to enjoy myself. I find myself way too interesting to get bored haha just kidding. Obviously it would be nice to travel with some people, but seeing London today by myself really was interesting. I will be able to survive without partners.

That's my story so far. I will hopefully upload pictures when I find a computer that will allow me to. But I am happy and safe. I really hope everyone is having a good time back at home. I appreciate all of your concerns and your wishes. It means a lot to me. Take care.


  1. Mike! It's your family! We totally miss and love you and thing your BLOG is a GREAT idea! Keep up the good work. You're totally hilarious it makes us feel like you're right next door.
    We love you and keep us posted!
    The Fam.

  2. PS: Sorry for the typos and bad punctuation... we're clearly a little excited to hear that you're safe and well.

  3. Mike it sounds like your well on your way to having a great time in Europe. Alex and I have been waiting for your first blog haha. Have fun I'll be peepin the blog all the time. Your not missing too much over here in gundo, same old same old. Have fun bud!
    Milk man

  4. Hey Mike -- it was great hearing your voice yesterday and I know your Dad was thrilled to hear you arrived safe. We love reading about your adventures and look forward to many more updates!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. A favorite quote of mine
    "Do one thing everyday that scares you" by Eleanor Roosevelt.
    I think this is a wonderful way to experience life, to make it worth living. Mike, enjoy & I look forward to reading your updates.oxoxmilly

  7. I don't know if you know this Michael but I'm also a huge fan of quotes so every blog I think I'll add one for you. Think of them as you would an ice cold beer on a 102 degree day - they'll refresh you and bring a smile to your face.

    Quote #1:

    “Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” - Mark Twain

    Your friend,

  8. Leach would leave a quote that was about a paragraph long, hope he was bluffing about leaving one every blog...

    Glad to hear your surviving man, can't wait to hear how much you enjoy Ireland!
