On friday night I went over to the Student Art Gallery to see the exhibits of art and metaphorical demonstrations that were put on. As I walked through the gallery in my halloween costume of Ronald McDonald with my friend who was dressed as Colonel Sanders we got a few interesting stares but I was delightfully surprised that our appearances were not something that would draw attention over the art displays. As I went out to a friends house I told them about how we had stopped by the gallery while in costume. A friend of mine looked at me and asked me if I was making a statement. And I wasn't really sure how to react to that but then I thought about it more.
The presentation that we went to was The Purpose of Being and how life kind of works its way out with everyone. How everyone has their own kind of journey through life and the way these people expressed those ideas were through art. There were gas pumps hanging from the ceilings and molded heads made of yarn attatched to the walls of the gallery and it made me understand why people participate in the practice of art. I believe that everyone is trying to find their own balance and own purpose of their lives. Now when I walked in there as Ronald McDonald I thought about the kind of statement that might have made in relation to The Purpose of Being. When I looked up the word McDonladism I was connected to this link about McDonaldism and the ways it changes the way people live within their culture. How it changes the way their culture is progressing in the future. It changes the way things have been for a long time and it makes everything commercial almost to a point where everything is going to be run but McDonalds or some other big business. It destroys tradition and individualism. So when I walked in there as Ronald McDonald with Colonel Sanders right next to me it made me think of it almost as a metaphor for commercial business and the way it just walks in to places and simply imposes big business upon them. We walked into an art gallery and represented everything opposite of what art represents. Everyone in the gallery was in the learning and discovery of being a person on an individualistic level as well as a global community of individuals.
The Purpose of Being to me was not something that was just thrown together to be a fun art exhibit but it was put together to make you think about your own purpose in life and how you want to attack it. To live according to your own wills and freedoms as opposed to the big business and commercially owned economies. The power of one is worth more than anything and thats really how I found myself representing more than just a goofy costume on Halloween weekend. I was representing everything that the artist doesn't want to happen but I walked right in anyway.